High Repetition Task Training Kit for Cricothyrotomy
Education By Design
"It is fantastic! It really ups the game on training!"
– Scott Weingart, EMCRIT.org
Small. Portable. Robust. Inexpensive.
The only cricothyrotomy task trainer than comes in male & female larynxes. Full-featured. The lowest cost to purchase and use. Laterally mobile larynx with overlying skin permits the "laryngeal handshake." Integrated sternum permits practicing "sternal stabilization" of the scalpel hand.
There's no secret to procedural competence; the steps to cric are simple, but they must be practiced--this model lets you CRIC-alot!
Crisis performance in high acuity low opportunity procedures requires proper procedural insight, an incrementalized approach designed to make the task easier, and repetition. 50-100 reps to mastering basic steps, repeated 20x per quarter to maintain muscle memory.